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Joined BenchMatrix – MENAP’s Leading Financial Tech Solutions Company

Future Fest 2024, AI in Finance, Open banking in pakistan
AI in Finance: The Role of Open Banking
January 29, 2024
The Split – How to Build High Performing Teams?
December 21, 2023

A few months ago I had the opportunity of meeting someone who I call a visionary – Irfan Fazli. 

Coming with an experience of more than 30 years in the banking and financial sector, he shared as to how he believes that disruption lies at the intersection of technology and finance sectors.

Having worked closely with the tech industry for the past two decades, I knew what he said was just right, and that led me to explore BenchMatrix - a company he founded 14 years ago with the vision to bring transformation in the space of financial technology.

Interacting with the company’s passionate team and going through their products, I found one thing as the common denominator – empathy. 

The meticulous understanding of the intricacies involved in the operations of financial institutions and the exceptional attention to detail in developing products that meet customer needs, spoke for itself. 

And this is what makes it stand out from all other organisations operating in the financial-tech industry.

A vast network of clientele spread over 16 countries across 5 regions is a testimony of BenchMatrix’s robust knowledge base and command over financial technology enterprise products & solutions. 

It’s the vision of the leadership and the company’s mission to bring about global transformation that excited me to join BenchMatrix family as the Dy. Group CEO.

I look forward to steering the company towards a new phase of growth and innovation as we continue to explore infinity through the power of technology.