23rd March, 1940 – a pivotal moment in Pakistan’s history. This was the day we decided to 'be free'.
Carrying the significance of this day forward, I proudly announce my next book 'This Book Is About Pakistan’ – a ‘true & fair’ insight into our homeland.
Hope, simplicity & freedom form the foundation of these pages that are dedicated to Pakistan.
From stories of sacrifice and devotion to duty, to the unique scenic beauty, and delightful flavours, this book is a journey of a land we are privileged to call 'home'.
Written as a conversation with Baba-e-Qaum, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, this book is an opportunity to share all the things he could not be with us to witness.
If you could tell Jinnah about Pakistan today, what would you say? Where would you begin from? Who would you talk about?
Having had the opportunity of travelling the lengths and breadths of Pakistan, I have seen the reflection of our ancestors and their grit. Our craftsman is par excellence and our farmer pulls the weight of this nation. These are the 'Pakistanis' that form the majority. This land is from them.
The movement of independence gained momentum only after the people collectively expressed their ‘Faith’ in Pakistan.
Today, we take this as our birthright.
What are we doing to honour this gift? How are we honouring their sacrifice?How are we carrying that 'faith' forward? A land that was made by the will of the forces unseen is destined for greatness. Remember, on this day, Jinnah said, "Men may come and men may go, but the League will live forever."
Similarly, people will come and go, yet Pakistan will live forever. 1947 - Infinity!
Have faith. Be free.
Play your part in branding Pakistan and pre-order the book today at www.thisbookisabout.org